Containers, Dockers and Spring Boot walk-through
Introduction to Basic docker Commands: docker run - Image -- creates a container from an image. If you run this many times you create many containers from the same image docker start name |id - Starts an existing container that is not running docker stop name|id docker ps ( -a include stopped containers) docker rm name|id --Remove a container docker rmi imageName-- Remove docker image docker run -it ubuntu when -i -t is added, it gives an interactive shell access into the container. Without this the container runs and exits! To get started create and account here: Making a new image from the original image docker run -it ubuntu -- If the image is not available docker will pull from sudo apt-get install nodejs example: docker commit -m "added node.js" -a "Chris Kibuchi" 96ac46a4d14f ckeidev/ubuntu-nodejs -m for Message -a for Author Login to Dockerhub on terminal: docker login -u ckeidev docker hub username/passwo...